Christmas Market

Christmas train

This was one of the Christmases that my daughter and I spent together. It turned out to be the most peaceful and joyful Christmas I have ever had in my life. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for it.

I took several days off from work so that we would have the whole 9 days of holiday season to enjoy. We wrote the list of things to do, God’s willing, and we checked all the boxes off as we went.

We began our holiday program by visiting the Christmas market, organized by the church we currently attend. It was something wonderful. Despite the cold weather, we really enjoyed the evening. There were many activities to participate in.

Farm animals were brought by the local farmers. There were goats, lambs and a lama. The animals were in a small stable and everyone could feed and pet them. Children were delighted to be next to the animals they don’t get to see very often. Jesus was born in a manger. There is something about being with the animals that brings peace.

Farm animals

The lama accidently stuck her head in between the wires of the gate and gave us a bit of a concern. We told the farmers about it and they helped him out. I was really touched by the way the male farmer, who pulled the neck of the lam out, hugged and comforted the lama after this. It was very heartwarming to observe.

There were also ponies to ride on. The farmers would help kids get on and give them a roundabout on the back of the ponies. My daughter had a ride too. It was fun.

A lovely Christmas train was also available for a ride for the kids and their parents.

Several local vendors put up their booths and were selling holiday special treats, ornaments, jewelry and art.

The delicious food was served by the volunteers for visitors to enjoy: freshly roasted beef and chicken were served hot from the grill, along with samosas and rice. Not to mention, the popcorn with two choices of toppings: salted or melted white chocolate with crushed candy canes. And the Christmas favorites: gingerbread cookies and maple syrup taffy.

At times, when we could no longer feel our fingers from the cold air, we had a chance to warm ourselves up near the campfire and drink hot cocoa. It was amazing!

Praise the Lord for such a wonderful activity the church organized for the joy of the children and their parents.

In the end, it was nice to come back to the warm home afterwards and snuggle up on the couch with a cup of hot mint tea and watch a Christmas movie.


Seeking truth