Seeking truth
I have been trying to start a blog for a long time now. I journal every day, for hours. And I love it. But every time I would sit down to write a blog post, I would stumble.
I would end up writing about myself and focusing on my life. I would speak my own words that could only lead to gaining my personal glory, make myself look smart or brag about the good things that had happened to me. My words would not be of any help to someone who would have read my post.
It didn’t sit well with me. I would not feel at peace with my work. No wonder why.
“Whoever speaks on their own, does so to gain personal glory. But who seeks the glory of the One who sent him, is a man of truth.”
I was trying to speak on my own. My words were mine and they were not meant to bring glory to the One who sent me. We must choose to speak what God wants us to say. Words that will bring glory to Him only. That is the right thing to do. That’s the truth. God’s words are truth.
The more I read the scripture, the more truth I learn. The words just speak to me, speak to my soul. They open up to me. I start to understand. The answers to my questions are being revealed to me in the most unexpected times, in different places of the Bible. And I feel so grateful.
I remember the times when I felt desperate, lonely and scared. I was lost. Then God showed His mercy to me. He found and comforted me. I thought how great it would have been if He had found me earlier in my life. My life would have been so much different. But we cannot doubt His plan. We must trust His timing.
Maybe it’s you who needs to hear it today.
Please, don’t seek anything but truth.
The truth is found in His word.
Jesus is the Word. Jesus is life.
Make this choice today and Jesus will meet you not even halfway. He will run to you, rejoicing that you are coming back home to your Heavenly Father.