You are Loved
Have you ever wondered if there is someone there who truly loves you?
I did.
Not everyone is blessed with having a mom and a dad, or with a husband or a wife. Not everyone is blessed with having a family. But now I know that each of us is blessed with having Jesus.
I had a time when I thought no one loved me. I thought I don’t deserve to be loved. I am not sure if I even loved myself. But now I know that God loves me.
When I was lonely, more challenges came. When I was lonely God isolated me even more. He was pursuing me. I was put in such circumstances that I could not count on anyone, no one in this world. Only Him. That’s when God revealed Himself to me and saved me.
But it was not the end. It was just the beginning. The beginning of uncovering the true love that was there for me. And becoming a part of His family. For God so loved the words that He gave His only Son.
Jesus is God’s Son. God sent Jesus to save us, His children. You are a child of God. I am a child of God. Our children are children of God. People we don’t like are children of God. We are all brothers and sisters and we have one Father, who is in Heaven.
Jesus agreed to come to the earth because He loves us the same way God loves us. Jesus needed to teach us and reveal to us the true love our Father has for us. He lived among us, spoke our language, taught us and showed unconditional love towards all the needy, the weak, and the poor. The only difference was that He was pure and we are not. He took our sins to cleanse us with His blood. And everyone knows the story. Everyone knows. But not everyone understands the depth and the width, the length and the height of God’s love for us.
“ That you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”
No one ever loved you and no one will ever love you here on earth as much as He loves you.
He loves unconditionally.
He loves you no matter what.
He loves you forever.
Seek His love. It’s available to everyone. He is waiting for you.
Love God. Love Jesus. Love the Holy Spirit.
Once you realize the abundance of love that the Lord our God has for you, you will never ever again feel like there is no one who loves you. You will never feel alone again. No matter what life circumstances you are in, God is always with you. You will feel His love. And you will be able to share love with others more freely.
God is Love. Praise the Lord.
Live and Rejoice.