Up in the middle of the night
Seldom did I wake up in the middle of the night when I was younger. This is not the case any longer.
Morning Coffee
The anticipation of that bittersweet smell of a freshly brewed coffee helps me get out of my bed early in the mornings. For many years now, a cup of coffee has become a part of my morning routine.
Let Him delight over us
It was reported to be the biggest snowstorm in the past two years. Forty to sixty centimeters of snow were expected to fall over the next couple of days.
Seeking truth
I have been trying to start a blog for a long time now. I journal every day, for hours. And I love it. But every time when I would sit down to write a blog post, I would stumble.
Christmas Market
We began our holiday program by visiting the Christmas market, organized by the church we currently attend. It was something wonderful. Despite the cold weather, we really enjoyed the evening. There were many activities to participate in.